TYTAN 2009 for the implementation of Budimex Dromex

On 16-18 June 2009. in the Manor House in Tomaszowice near Krakow, the VII International Conference, Exhibition and Technology Shows INŻYNIERIA 2009 combined with the presentation of industry awards TYTAN 2009 took place.
In the area of underground construction, the TYTAN 2009 award was given to the consortium of Budimex Dromex SA and Ferrovial Agroman SA for a fragment of the tunnel structure of the Krakow Fast Tram with a length of Ok. 130 m. The implementation was carried out as part of an annex to the contract: “Reconstruction of the road system of the Krakow Communication Center – from the entrance ramp from al. 29 Listopada and the construction of the underground Politechnika Stop and the ramp”.
On behalf of Wojciech Majdys – the manager of this contract, the award was received from the organizers by Arkadiusz Nobis.