Pursuant to § 6 point 3 of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 15 December 1998. (Journal of Laws No. 160, item 1072), we would like to inform you that the electronic version of the Prospectus for Series L Shares of Budimex SA is published for information purposes only.
The Prospectus of Budimex SA Shares in a printed version with attachments and information updating it is available at: at the Issuer’s registered office – ul. Siedmiogrodzka 9, 01-204 Warsaw
- at the Information Center of the Securities and Exchange Commission – Pl. Powstańców Warszawy 1 in Warsaw
- at Customer Service Points of brokerage houses
- at the Promotion Centre of the Warsaw Stock Exchange SA – ul. Książęca 4 in Warsaw
The introduction of Series L Shares to public trading takes place without the consent of KPWiG, on the basis of the Notification of Issue, in accordance with Art. Article 63 of the Law on Public Trading in Securities. The issue can only be participated in in the territory of the Republic of Poland. In other countries, the Prospectus may be treated only as information material.

Budimex in numbers
Budimex Group’s order backlog at the end of 2023 (PLN billion )
Budimex Group’s revenues in 2023 (PLN million )
EBIT of the Budimex Group in 2023 (PLN M )
completed construction contracts
Contact us!
Contact details of people responsible for communication with investors.