Hello ICE

The “Hello ICE” campaign, formerly known as the “ICE Intercom”, aims to educate the youngest road users about its rules and road safety. We know that children’s attention is easily distracted and difficult to maintain, so together with Budi the tiger we pass on knowledge to them in the form of interesting, interactive lessons – so that it stays with them for longer.
Children do not need to be convinced to ride a bike, scooter or skateboard – but the most important thing is that they do it safely. That is why we also teach the participants of the program how to move prudently and in accordance with the rules on their favorite two- and four-wheelers.
Since the beginning of the project, we have already found over 720 dangerous points on the road map of Polish, we have distributed Ok. 10 thousand reflective elements and we painted 9 eye-catching and thus improving safety within pedestrian crossings – 3D lanes.
For more information, please visit: https://helloice.pl/