
Base at Wieruszowska without reservations

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5 November this year. The Provincial Inspectorate of Environmental Protection from Poznań presented the results of the inspection of the area for the FBSerwis logistics base at ul. Wieruszowska Street in Poznań.

The Provincial Inspectorate of Environmental Protection confirmed the earlier assurances of the company and the investor – GOAP, that there are no obstacles to organizing a logistics base on the plot at ul. Wieruszowska.

The positive result of the inspection of the Provincial Inspectorate of Environmental Protection is not a surprise for us – said Artur Pielech, General Director of FBSerwisI hope that we will soon sign an agreement with GOAP and start servicing six sectors of  Poznań – he added.

Completion of the inspection by the Provincial Inspectorate of Environmental Protection is the last step before signing the contract with GOAP. Let us remind you that on October 17 this year. The National Appeals Chamber rejected the protest of competing companies and stated that the price for the collection and transport of municipal waste in Poznań proposed by the consortium with the participation of FB Serwis, Cespa and Agora is not grossly low. At the same time, the National Appeals Chamber recommended an inspection of the transport base at ul. Wieruszowska by the Provincial Inspectorate for Environmental Protection.

After signing the contract, FBSerwis will start recruiting employees and selecting subcontractors for selected assortments of work.