
Budimex has expanded the Central Laboratory

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5 November this year. Budimex has opened an expanded and modernised Central Laboratory, which is located in Pruszków near Warsaw.
The expansion will allow this unit to be equipped with further modern equipment for the inspection of construction products and pavement diagnostics.

Quality is our priority – said Ewelina Karp-Kręglicka, Director of Environmental Protection, during the opening. Quality Assurance at Budimex. Quality control is essential at every stage of the investment. Budimex, which is one of the largest construction companies on the Polish market, attaches great importance to this aspect. The company executes over 100 contracts per year. With such a large scale of operations, the condition for maintaining high quality of works is to have our own laboratories – she added.

Budimex has a total of 20 laboratories located throughout the country, employing over 150 people. The expanded Central Laboratory acts as the lead unit. It is accredited by the PCA, which confirms the implementation of European standards in the field of testing.