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On 16 December 2015, the Warsaw Stock Exchange announced the following: composition of the RESPECT Index. Budimex has been listed in the RESPECT Index since January 2011. This year, 23 companies were among the most responsible listed companies. The new composition of the index will be in force from 21 December 2015.
The RESPECT Index is one of the stock market indices that build the credibility of companies in the eyes of shareholders, potential investors and business partners. It is awarded to companies that apply good practices to the greatest extent in the field of information governance and investor relations, as well as in the area of ecological, social, employee and economic factors, including a modern approach to organization management.
From the first publication on November 19, 2009 to December 2015 the return of the RESPECT Index was 31%, while the WIG index increased by 11%.
“The results of this year’s edition confirm that listed companies, despite the challenging economic situation, attach great importance to the issue of responsible business. This is evidenced by the number of applications and the results of the survey obtained by the companies, which are better than a year ago. We are also observing an increasing interest in this index among Polish and international investors, which I hope will draw the attention of other companies to corporate social responsibility issues – said Paweł Tamborski, President of the WSE.
Year by year, the companies included in the RESPECT Index are getting better and better at meeting the requirements in the ESG sphere, i.e. environmental, social and economic issues. This can be seen in the average score achieved by entities, which over the last three editions increased from 64.08 points to 71.01, with companies being able to score a maximum of 90 points. Above all, however, we see that the companies from the index are becoming more and more popular among issuers and investors. This is reflected in the RESPECT Index – said Irena Pichola, Partner at Deloitte, Leader of the Deloitte Department. sustainable development in Poland and Central Europe.
The RESPECT Index portfolio covers Polish and foreign companies on the WSE Main Market that operate in accordance with the best governance standards in corporate governance, information governance and investor relations, as well as taking into account environmental, social and economic (ESG) factors. It includes companies that have undergone verification by the WSE and the Association of Listed Companies in the above-mentioned areas, as well as an audit conducted by the project’s partner, Deloitte since its first edition.
According to the current formula, the survey of companies and the revision of the index composition is carried out once a year, in its second half. The index is composed of the largest listed companies from the WIG20, mWIG40 and sWIG80 indices.
The RESPECT Index is the first index of responsible companies (SRI) in Central and Eastern Europe. The project was introduced by the Warsaw Stock Exchange in 2009, when the first composition of the Index was announced.