Budimex will design and build the Via Carpatia S19 expressway on the Podgórze – Kamień section

On 9 August, Budimex signed a contract with the Rzeszów branch of GDDKiA for the construction of a route of approx. 10.5 km. It is part of the Via Carpatia route and covers the section from the Podgórze junction (with the junction) to the Kamień junction (without the junction). It is to be built within 34 months.
The investment is part of the S19 Nisko Południe – Sokołów Małopolski Północ expressway, which is currently under construction. Its implementation has been divided into three tasks. Budimex is responsible for the performance of task B, i.e. the section from the Podgórze junction (with the junction) to the Kamień junction (without the junction) with a length of approx. 10.5 km. ” The works will be carried out in the design and build system ,” says Dariusz Blocher, President of the Management Board of Budimex S.A. We are responsible, m.in. for obtaining a building permit, construction of engineering structures and accompanying infrastructure, and then for developing as-built documentation and obtaining an occupancy permit. We are glad that we will participate in the creation of the Via Carpatia route, which is one of the key routes for Eastern Polish, and thus we will contribute to the communication connection of our country with the European Union countries and eastern neighbors.
The beginning of the Via Carpatia route is to start in Lithuania, run through m.in through Poland, Hungary or Bulgaria, and end as far as Thessaloniki in Greece. As part of the works on the Podgórze – Kamień section, Budimex will build m.in. a dual carriageway expressway with emergency lanes, access roads connecting it with the existing road network, noise barriers, animal crossings, green belts, 8 viaducts, 5 bridges and 5 culverts with an ecological function.
The investment is to last 34 months. The winter months will not be included in this period. The contract value is over PLN 271 million. – As a company with extensive experience in modern road construction, we are ready to implement this project. The S19 is a very important section of the international route, which is why we are all the more satisfied with the opportunity to participate in this investment – adds Dariusz Blocher.
BUDIMEX SA is a Polish leader in the construction industry, which has been working for the economic development of Polish for 50 years. Budimex’s competences include construction, reconstruction, modernisation, extension, renovation and design of road, rail, airport, cubature, energy, industrial and environmental investments. The largest part of the company’s activity is occupied by road contracts. The company’s innovation and commitment mean that it is entrusted with the largest and most representative road investments in Poland, e.g. sections of Via Baltica – an expressway, which is one of the most important investments in Masuria. The most important projects in this sector also include the construction of a section of the S-17 route, connecting Lublin with Warsaw, or the construction and renovation of sections of the S7 route, which connects three large agglomerations: Gdańsk, Warsaw and Kraków. At the moment, the company is implementing approx. 125 road investments, which include the construction and modernization of local and national roads. These are m.in. design and construction of the Suwałki bypass, the Independence Route in Białystok or the Łagiewnicka Route in Krakow. BUDIMEX, employing over 6.5 thousand. people, builds every third kilometer of expressways and motorways in Poland.