
Budimex will green the tram route to Wilanów in the next stage of the Przystanek Zieleń campaign

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Budimex – the general contractor for the construction of the tram route from Śródmieście to Wilanów in Warsaw – is implementing the next stage of the Przystanek Zieleń campaign, under which 400 trees will be added along the tram line to Wilanów on the company’s initiative.  The campaign is addressed to communities and housing cooperatives located in the districts of Mokotów and Wilanów. During the previous stage of the campaign, applications were received from 25 communities, and the total number of trees requested by Budimex exceeded 450. During the second stage of the campaign, applications are collected until September 22, and plantings will be made in October.

“The good reception of the first stage of the campaign makes us optimistic about its next stage, especially since there is a lot of commitment on the part of housing communities and cooperatives. We are glad that we can enable them to realize their dream of greening their space. As a result of our activities and compensatory plantings, more than 1000 trees will be planted along the tram line to Wilanów, which will certainly have a positive impact on the experience of people using both the tram itself and the residents of the areas adjacent to the route. We want both of these groups to be direct beneficiaries of this largest tram investment in the capital, not only in terms of communication, although this is of course a priority”  – says Martyna Wróbel, Communications Director at Budimex SA.

Przystanek Zieleń is an action addressed directly to communities and housing cooperatives located in the Mokotów and Wilanów districts (in the vicinity of the construction of the Tram to Wilanów), which have land on which new trees can be planted and have resources that allow them to take care of the planted plants indefinitely. To register a community or cooperatives for the action, just fill in the application form on the website www.przystanekzielen.waw.pl Applications for the 2nd edition of the campaign can be submitted until September 22, 2023. The third and final stage of the campaign, during which 140 trees will be planted, is scheduled for spring 2024.

Housing communities and cooperatives must have land on which trees can be planted and located in the vicinity of the construction of the Tram to Wilanów. They must also have resources that allow them to take care of the planted trees indefinitely.

The tram to Wilanów, which is the largest tram investment in Warsaw, will noticeably improve the quality of life of many Warsaw residents – thanks to it, Wilanów residents will be able to get to the city centre in less than 30 minutes during rush hours! Budimex, the largest Polish general construction contractor, has been implementing the investment since September 2022 for the investor Tramwaje Warszawskie.

Related information:

Tram to Wilanów – Budimex has completed the first part of compensatory plantings | Budimex SA press office

Budimex to build 8 km of new tram line in Warsaw | Budimex SA press office

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