Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex S.A. on the payment of dividend for 2020

The Management Board of Budimex S.A. informs that the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex S.A. on 20 May 2021. adopted Resolution No. 396 on the payment of dividend for 2020 in the gross amount of PLN 16.70 per share.
According to the above-mentioned By the resolution, the net profit for the period from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 in the amount of PLN 310,046,824.83 increased by the entire reserve capital created from the profit in 2019 in the amount of PLN 116,305,811.77, which gives a total amount of PLN 426,352,636.60, was allocated to the payment of dividend. The remaining part of the profit in the amount of PLN 494,818.53 was allocated to supplementary capital.
The dividend was paid on all shares of Budimex S.A., i.e. 25,530,098 shares.
The dividend date, i.e. The date of determining the list of shareholders entitled to dividend for 2020 was set for June 1, 2021, and the dividend payment date was set for June 18, 2021.