Home > Statement of the Management Board of Budimex SA on the repeal of PNI’s own management board and the appointment of an administrator
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In the opinion of the Management Board, the change in the management model of PNI may complicate its daily operations and make it difficult to conduct negotiations on the change of problematic and critical terms of the company’s existence.
The Management Board of Budimex SA was concerned that this decision was made as a result of applications submitted by: (1) Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Kolejowe i Inżynieryjnych S.A., a consortium partner of PNI on one of the jointly executed contracts and supported by the other partners on this contract, i.e. PKP Energetyka S.A. and Dolnośląskie Przedsiębiorstwo Napraw Infrastruktury Komunikacyjnej “DOLKOM” Sp. z o.o. and (2) PKP PLK SA, which is the principal of the contracts executed by PNI Sp. z o.o. in arrangement bankruptcy together with the above-mentioned consortium partners.
It should be emphasized that the arguments of PNI’s consortium partners who filed a motion to revoke the company’s own management take into account the interests of only three creditors and refer to issues related to the course of the process of implementation of one of many performed by Przedsiębiorstwo Napraw Infrastruktury Sp. z o.o. in arrangement bankruptcy of contracts. There are grounds to assess the conduct of these partners as acting to the detriment of PNI Sp. z o.o. in arrangement bankruptcy – and thus to the detriment of its employees, other creditors and contractors. With regard to the application of PKP PLK SA, the Management Board of Budimex SA is of the opinion that all actions taken so far by the Management Board of PNI Sp. z o.o. in arrangement bankruptcy aimed at securing and satisfying the interests of all creditors in the future, implementing key investments for the company and maintaining the existence of PNI. In the current situation, the achievement of these goals has become threatened.
The Management Board of Budimex SA is convinced that the current Management Board of PNI Sp. z o.o. in arrangement bankruptcy acted in the interest of PNI and creditors and remained the best guarantor of agreeing on the final shape and performance of the arrangement agreements. We hope that the administrator appointed by the court will take into account the competence and experience of the people who have been managing the company so far and will remain open to their suggestions and recommendations.
Yours sincerely,
Dariusz Blocher
President of the Management Board of Budimex SA