CWDP Białystok

The municipal waste neutralization plant in Białystok built by us is one of the first installations in Poland for the thermal conversion of waste into electricity and heat. Its launch allowed to reduce the volume of waste by 15 times and its weight by 3 times.
The project was implemented by a consortium: Budimex SA – leader, Keppel Seghers, Cespa Compania de Servicios Publicos Auxiliares SA in the EPC formula, on FIDIC contractual terms.
The plant is able to process 120 thousand tons of waste per year and produce approx. 43 thousand MWh of electricity and approx. 360 thousand GJ of thermal energy (maximum gross electrical power – 7.5 MWe).
The facility is equipped with a flue gas treatment system for nitrogen oxides (NOx), acid pollutants, heavy metals, dioxins, furans and dust, which makes it completely safe for the environment. Exhaust gas emissions are at a minimum level, much lower than the permissible values set out in the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment on emission standards from installations.
Project value PLN 332,958,245.00 net.