Vistula sewer in Warsaw
On behalf of MPWiK in Warsaw, Budimex is constructing the Vistula Sewer as part of the project “Water supply and wastewater treatment in Warsaw – Phase VI”, which is the largest environmental project in this part of Europe. The investment was made in trenchless technology using the microtunneling method. The pipeline laying technology used is the safest trenchless method for both the environment and the employees themselves. It also allows you to minimize the amount of work carried out on the surface of the site, and thus reduce traffic difficulties. Pipeline laying is controlled remotely, which allows to reduce the number of people in the excavation while maintaining full precision. In addition, the time needed to complete it is shorter than in the case of work carried out using traditional methods.
Budimex completed two stages of the investment, including the Vistula Collector – Stage II – located at a depth of 6 m to 15 m along Wybrzeże Gdyńskie Street, from the connection chamber with the Wenedów storm water collector to the connection chamber with the Bielański collector. The collector with a length of about 5.5 km and a diameter of 3.2 m will be able to accommodate approx. 40,000 m of rainwater.
The Vistula Collector – Stage III is a continuation of Stage II from the connection chamber with the Bielański Collector to the “Farysa” Plant together with the “Wiślana” pumping station with a length of 1.2 km and a diameter of 3.2 m and pressure pipes. The target length of the tunnel is 9.5 km, the diameter of the cutting disc is 3.8 m, and the drilling speed is 14 m/day. Along the collector route there will be about 70 inspection wells and 10 technological chambers.