ZW Kraków Tameh Poland

As part of the investment, we designed and built a 55 MW turbogenerator with an external busbar flyover and a 2×40 MVA transformer station.
The two-stage implementation of the investment consisted of the installation (replacement) of the feed water pumps in stage I and the installation of the turbine generator in stage II. Stage I – a system of two pumps with a motor power of 1150 kW, capacity of 52 l/s and a head of 1620 m, pipelines, fittings, inverters, power and control wiring, sampling and measurement system, I&C. Stage II – installation of a 55 MW turbogenerator with a complete set of multi-discipline technological installations, construction of a central control room, a 2 x 40 MV transformer station with generator circuit breakers and a fire extinguishing system, an external busbar route, adaptation of the engine room building to fire protection requirements. The works were carried out in the active engine room of the Tamehu ZW Kraków, built and machined in the 1950s and 1960s. 1920s, while maintaining its full continuity of operation (operation).
Project value: PLN 125 million net