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The implementation of the SAFEWAY project by Budimex S.A. began in September 2018. It is a project financed by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 program. The project involves the creation of an online platform based on a geographic information system (GIS), used for processing and disseminating information among public administration bodies, infrastructure managers, passengers and transport companies – all users of transport networks such as roads, railways, airports and seaports. The implementation of the 10 task packages planned throughout the project will take 42 months and will be completed in 2022. Budimex SA participates in four of them as a partner of Ferrovial Construction.
The platform will be a system supporting decision-making, defining actions and preventive measures in the field of maintenance and use of infrastructure, in situations of natural hazards, such as fires or floods, and those caused by man, such as accidents or acts of terrorism.
At the moment, Budimex is working on a crisis management plan for the emerging SAFEWAY online platform. Qualified members of the BIM team and the Innovation Office of Budimex S.A. are also involved in the project. The project is also expected to lead to a significant improvement in the safety of transport infrastructure, the development of comprehensive tools, including an application for predicting and mitigating the effects of extreme events in all types of road disasters.
The main consortium members of the project are: Ferrovial Construction (Spain), Universidad De Vigo (Spain), Stiftelsen Norges Geotekniske Institutt (Norway), The Chancellor, Masers and Scholars of the University of Cambridge (UK), Ingenieria Insitu S.L. (Spain), Demo Consultants BV (Netherlands), Universidade Do Minho (Portugal), Planetek Italia SRL (Italy), Infrastructure Management Consultants GMBH (Switzerland), Infrastruturas de Portugal SA (Portugal), Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (United Kingdom), BeTR Ben Rutten Technology Research (Netherlands), Innovactory International B.V. (Netherlands), Transportokonomisk Institutt (Norway).
Project press release: https://media.budimex.pl/pr/405600/budimex-zaangazowany-w-miedzynarodowy-projekt-unii-europejskiej-safewa