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Budimex returns with 2 awards from this year’s edition of the “Construction of the Year” competition, organised by the Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians. This is another year when among the best construction sites in Poland in terms of engineering are those carried out by Budimex. The awarded investments include the construction of the Łagiewnicka Route in Krakow and the modernization of the Institute of Thermal Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology in Warsaw at ul. Nowowiejska 21/25.
“We are pleased and particularly motivated by the fact that we have been awarded in one of the most prestigious reviews of the achievements of the Polish construction industry, which is undoubtedly the Construction of the Year competition. This is an excellent promotion of the Polish construction industry and construction companies, which makes it all the more pleasing to be among the winners again, especially considering the high requirements of the competition and the environmental reputation of the award itself. On behalf of myself and the team, I can promise that we will of course make every effort to ensure that this is not our last word in this competition” – said Piotr Świencicki, Site Manager at Budimex S.A., DBI – South Branch.
“The multifaceted assessment of the construction made by the competition jury selecting the winners makes such issues as Safety, good organization of work, or paying special attention to ecological aspects are automatically among the priorities of construction teams also in the implementation of other investments. Thanks to this approach, we popularize the best industry standards” – adds Ryszard Jarecki, Contract Manager at Budimex S.A., DBO – Central Branch.
The first prize was awarded to the construction of the Łagiewnicka Route from the intersection with Grota-Roweckiego Street to the intersection with Beskidzka Street and Halszki Street, along with the construction of a section of the tram line from the existing tram terminus of os.Kurdwanów to Zakopiańska Street in Krakow. The Łagiewnicka Route is part of the city’s third ring road, which is to become the main artery of inter-district traffic, thus relieving the areas located in the vicinity of the historic center of Krakow. In terms of value, it is the largest infrastructure investment in Krakow completed so far and one of the largest national local government investments. During the works, about 20 990 t of steel and about 207,500 m3 of concrete. The construction of the TD-01, TD-04 and TD-12 tunnels required the construction of approximately 60,000 m2 of sheet piling. The construction itself required the resolution of a number of complicated formal, legal and engineering issues, including foundation of the TT-09/TD-10 tunnel in the areas of post-production settling tanks of the former Solvay caustic soda factory, construction of the TD-04 tunnel in a narrow right-of-way between the existing single-family housing, with a high groundwater level, construction of a road-tram-rail-river junction or transfer of the Wilga River to a new riverbed. The entire work was carried out within 66 months.
The awarded modernization of the Institute of Thermal Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology in Warsaw concerns a building that is part of the building complex of the Warsaw University of Technology, which in 2015 was awarded the Modernization of the Institute of Thermal Technology in Warsaw. It was entered into the register of monuments. The modernization project and the works carried out were aimed at restoring the former glory of this building, including recovery of elements protected due to their conservation value and combining them in the right way with the new material tissue and elements of the planned expansion. The modernization was divided into two scopes. As part of the first one, works were carried out on the reconstruction of hall C and the extension of the courtyard roof, along with the ambulatory on the first floor. The second scope included the interior of the one-storey building. The entire work was carried out within 39 months.
The title of “Construction of the Year” is awarded annually to the best construction sites carried out throughout Poland. The selection is made by a special jury, which evaluates a number of factors that make up the final verdict – after a technical visit to the construction site, the quality of works, the organization of the construction site, the time of its implementation, the technical and technological solutions used in the implementation process, as well as occupational safety and health protection, the course and form of financing the investment, the costs of construction of the building, formal and legal solutions in the investment process, the investor’s participation in the implementation are assessed building and the impact of the investment on the environment and the economy of the region. The Honorary Patronage over this year’s edition of the competition was taken by the Ministry of Development and Technology.
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