In 2019. Budimex’s bid for the construction of a new gas-fired boiler house for the Żerań CHP Plant in Warsaw won the tender for PGNiG Termika. The task consisted of a set of two water boilers with a capacity of 2×130 MWt. The peaking and reserve boiler room KG2 is a unit supporting the operation of the gas-steam unit and KG1, depending on the demand for heat. The boilers in KG2 have a slightly different design from the boilers operating in KG1. There are three Polish boilers in operation, here two Czech boilers with a slightly different layout were used. One of the most important differences is that the gas burners are mounted on the top of the boiler; in KG1, on the side of the boilers.

In the case of KG2, PGNiG TERMIKA SA decided to use a two-track gas fuel supply. The first direction is gas from the Gaz-System network supplied through a reduction and measurement station, built as part of the first boiler room, which is supplied by it. The second source will be the PSG network, from where fuel will be supplied through a new gas pipeline built on a new flyover that runs through the plant.