Implementation of a comprehensive scope of works of the first and second stage – Residential and Commercial Complex with infrastructure and underground garages. The apartments were erected at Pokorna and Inflancka Streets in Warsaw. The estate consists of a complex of segments with a height of seven to eight above-ground storeys and one or two underground storeys. The investment area is not fenced, but the whole has been designed to clearly separate public and private space. The external façades are made of natural stone decorated with rosettes, and from the side of Stawki Street, the apartments are crowned with an eighteen-storey glazed tower. The segments have been equipped with top-class passenger lifts. Residents have at their disposal a closed, surrounded garden with three playgrounds. Inside, between the segments, on an area of about 1 ha, a recreational area was created, and an illuminated fountain was also made. The project received the first degree award “Construction of the Year 2012”. The total net value of the project was PLN 275 million.